[Archive] Inner-Strength Check Youtube Covers List + Requests.

Originally posted on our sadly now-defunct old website in September 2024 (RIP). See below for links to the ISC Covers Playlist on our Youtube channel, full list of potential songs to cover and how to make a request!

Peace, Love and Grindcore xoxo - Brady.


  1. Links

  2. Some Housekeeping

  3. Contacts


Youtube Playlist - Completed Covers

Be sure to give us the ol' like-and-subscribe while you're there to keep up to date. Not just with covers but also the latest ISC podcast episodes, streams and more!

Thank you.

Songs List - To Cover:

See here for a link to the Google Sheets Doc, which contains two main sheets as per below. This document is view-only, and will be updated in real-time as more links are added from our Youtube Channel.

First one contains the Songs Covered thus far, with relevant links to individual covers:

(Links to be added as we go in the relevant fields. 'X' indicates a completed cover.)

Second tab on this spreadsheet ('To Cover' down the bottom of the above screenshot) is likely the one you'll want to peep. This contains a list of all the tracks available to be attempted as a cover by Yours Truly.

You'll notice it's a pretty insane undertaking; as of 27th October 2024, we're up to over 2,618 tracks!

Now let's be real - statistically, were I to cover one song every day, that'd still take 7 years to complete. Hence me leaving it up to you, dear community, to take your picks!



In order to request a particular cover, please either email us over at innerstrengthcheckmedia@gmail.com, or send a PM through one of our socials links below.

Feel free to also request a cover directly in the comments on this blog post too!

Currently, I use Rocksmith 2014 in order to learn tracks prior to covering tabs. Therefore I'm reliant either on what's available via forums/Discord etc, rather than Ultimate-Guitar.com.

Where Twitch is concerned - I know a lot of streamers have bots set up to complete auto-requests etc. Where ISC is concerned, between DMCA issues re: streaming tracks and ease of use, I'm preferencing individual covers for now.

Do feel free to follow on Twitch, however, as I'm planning to do some more gaming, mental health and tabletop-related content on there in the near future!



[Archive] ISC Pod EP. 28 (Part 1): Review of FROTH AND FURY FEST, Sat 9th Nov 2024 - A Day of Metal & Mayhem.


[Riffs] Skyrim: AKA How I Learnt To Stop Morrow-Booming and Love The Cat-People.