[RIFFS] Big Tech: Guys. Can We Just *STAHP* Adding Stuff To The Stuff? Signed, Brady.
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[RIFFS] Big Tech: Guys. Can We Just *STAHP* Adding Stuff To The Stuff? Signed, Brady.

Feat. Image Credit - Glenn Guy, 2015. (LINK). Hoo-kay. Don’t know about everyone else, but Lorrdy-Lord can we just ask Silicon Valley to tone it back a bit? Stop. STAHP. It’s time to stop. Bed-time, now. Night night. Too many browser-AI-bots. Too many superfluous Big Tech gadgets. Let’s talk about some digital minimalism, have a little relatable rant about perceptual and digital overwhelm, and wrap it up all with some great and informative Youtubers and apps. Let’s. Let’s do.

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