ISC Podcast Ep. 6 - The March Not-An-Update Anti-Update (Update). [05/03/2023].
Podcast Brady Irwin Podcast Brady Irwin

ISC Podcast Ep. 6 - The March Not-An-Update Anti-Update (Update). [05/03/2023].

Originally posted on our sadly now-in-ruins previous website (RIP) back in 2023. In honesty, it’s an interesting piece with some varied thoughts around content-creation and creativity, but it’s overall a pretty impassioned diatribe. If that sounds up your alley, dig in. If not, we’ve got a heap more episodes being copied and reposted from the carcass of (RIP)!

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ISC Podcast Ep. 05 - ISC Trajectory for 2023. (27.12.2022)
Podcast Brady Irwin Podcast Brady Irwin

ISC Podcast Ep. 05 - ISC Trajectory for 2023. (27.12.2022)

Originally posted on our old website, which unfortunately has met an untimely end (thanks, WordPress!). To quote directly - ‘A culture fed unrelenting standards imposed by some strange continued need to propagate the pre-pandemic model of life under neoliberal austerity. Plot twist - that isn't working, and I'm fed up.’ Link to rant contained inside!

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