[ARCHIVE - Riffs] #TabletopThursdays 19.12.24 - Feature Article: 'A Love Letter to The GMPC'
Riffs, Tabletop, Tabletop Thursdays Brady Irwin Riffs, Tabletop, Tabletop Thursdays Brady Irwin

[ARCHIVE - Riffs] #TabletopThursdays 19.12.24 - Feature Article: 'A Love Letter to The GMPC'

Originally posted on our sadly as-of-NYE-2024-now-defunct old website (RIP), we’re lucky enough to have access to the old site back-end and thus can repost another Elodie-derived Tabletop Thursdays classic in ‘A Love Letter to The GMPC’. Check out our resident RPG-design whiz’s thoughts on NPC’s walking alongside dungeonmasters right here!

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