ISC Podcast, Ep: 0.5 - Neurological Gumbo Soup.

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Hi, All!

It's been a while. 

This is a between-topical-episodes-episode. Just a general catch up on where I am at/the state of affairs, but also some discussions around how I will be pivoting the ISC podcast to be a bit more broad content-wise, incorporating a larger range of topics. I also discuss perfectionism as it presents through procrastination, not a means commonly thought of in our culture but one that is pervasive with mental illness.

Thank you.


If you're feeling like you need some support, please be sure to check in with those around you - remember, social support is the biggest predictor of mental and physical health!



* If you're feeling like you need some extra mental health assistance, please don't hesitate to contact your GP to discuss a Mental Health Care Plan, which will allow you to access 6-10 rebated sessions with a psychologist. 

* to approach your GP with an appropriate psychologist prior (gender, telehealth, treating issues, client demographics etc), check out the APS Find a Psychologist service:

* same for psychiatrists in Australia:



* some handy apps for self-care: 
My Possible Self
Stop, Breathe and Think
Smiling Mind

* a handy resource for evidence-based self-help cognitive behavioural therapy for depression, anxiety, bipolar, self-esteem, procrastination, social skills, relationships etc (ignoring the lame ClipArt) for yourself and others:

Good day and good mental health to you.

Peace, Love and Grindcore - Brady.


Introduction to the ISC Blog/Youtube Channel.


ISC Podcast Episode 2: Inside The Ear Canal.