Introduction to the ISC Blog/Youtube Channel.
(NOTE: This post was originally published to the now-defunct prior website,, on Oct 4th, 2021. Please refer to this site for all future episodes/content, and be sure to check out our socials/podcast/other links down below!)
Hello, weary traveller of the internet.
Welcome to my humble abode.
My name is Brady, and I am the host of the Inner-Strength Check project. I am joined by my excellent comrades in Mal, Hamza and Elodie.
You’re probably wondering what you’ve stumbled across here, yeah?
Well, give us a second to clear away all the dice, minis and empty coffee cups.
“Stay a while, and listen!”
Before we begin, I’d like to acknowledge the stewardship and wisdom of the Wurundjeri peoples of the Kulin nation, whose ground I live, work and play on.
I’d also like to acknowledge the Gumbaynggir peoples of the Mid North Coast of New South Wales, my place of origin.
This isn’t my land, this isn’t my landlords’, this isn’t even the Commonwealth’s. This is sovereign land, and sovereignty was never ceded.
I’d like to pay my respects to elders past, present and emerging. I’d also like for all Australians to heavily consider how much work still needs doing to Close The Gap.
I’d like to also pay my respects to the sovereignty, wisdom and stewardship of First Nations, worldwide.
Thank you.
Oh, also - Butters says hi!
What is Inner-Strength Check?
Inner-Strength Check is a multi-modal podcast/vlog/blog project focused on exploring the intersection between societal discourse, mental health, neurodiversity, recovery, and leisure.
It’s part-blog, part-podcast and part-vlog/streaming. It's also partly serious discussions and fun stuff - video/board/tabletop gaming, roleplaying, music, reviews, banter and other fun ways of practicing what is preached here.
Whilst episodes will be presented by myself, mainly, I also would love to have co-hosts, guests and collaborators of all types.
I’m keen to have a chat with everyone ranging from gamers, hobbyists, health and social science experts, community members, friends or just anyone who’d wish to be part of the conversation.
Likewise, if folks want to be involved in the actual gaming and general fun stuff, well - I'm always up for a game, so come on down!
For an exploration as to why Inner-Strength Check has been developed, please refer to Episode 001, right here on the blog, where I go into a little more detail on the matter. (This will also be informed by both introductory posts and as an ongoing theme in later episodes).
Who is Inner-Strength Check for?
I feel that if you’ve read up to this point, this is for you.
I strongly believe that everyone in the present environment could stand to be reminded of the potential that simply engaging with aspects of oneself outside our typically occupational and survival-focused life domains.
That said, it should be readily apparent that the podcast has a focus on mental health, intersectionality and community. In particular, exploring disadvantage, diversity and other issues will be part and parcel of what will be on offer in more focused discussions.
Gamers, geeks, nerds, hobbyists, musicians and anyone experiencing a journey of recovery and personal growth should find some value here.
This is not for anyone who insists to 'keep politics out of muh [XYZ]. Whilst not the focal point by a long shot, if you insist that hobbyist talk (and social discourse, for that matter) must be kept separate from politics at all times, this might not be for you. That, or you can just skip to the more purely gaming-related content. Your choice, my soapbox.
Have a great day, good mental health to you, and game on.
Note: ISC Podcast is also available on: Our Youtube Podcast Page, Amazon Music, Apple Podcasts, Castbox, GoodPods, iHeartRadio, PocketCasts and RadioPublic.