Millennial Nostalgia: Commemorating Story of the Year's Page Avenue 20th Anniversary & Upcoming Oz tour.
During late 2003 Story of the Year became many millennials' new favourite band with their foray into post-hardcore fans hearts and over a million copies of their ambitious debut album Page Avenue (2003). This was also the nostalgic soundtrack to my own youth. Along with In the Wake of Determination (2005), The Black Swan (2008) and The Constant (2010), SOTY coloured their songs with emotions that captured the experiences of youth and young adulthood and were an uplifting backdrop to all of life's trials and tribulations.
With talented vocalist Dan Marsala at the wheel, a drive down Page Avenue with SOTY was altogether melodious and meaningful, uplifting and energising, introspective and intelligent. From the excitably familiar introduction of the popular 'Until The Day I Die' with its soaring heights and driving riffs, to the cruise control of title track 'Page Avenue' and 'Dive Right In', this album captured the hearts and feelings of many thousands of music fans worldwide. Then there's the down-shift of 'Swallow The Knife', sing/shout-along gems like 'In The Shadows', 'Burning Years', 'Sidewalks', 'Divide And Conquer', and my favourite– 'Razorblades'.
Fast forward to 2013 and we saw the release of SOTY's An Acoustic Re-imagining of Page Avenue, a move that showcased the way SOTY work so cohesively as a band. This was highlighted when seeing their captivating sound shine through yet again to a sold out 170 Russell show in Melbourne, 2014. Since then, SOTY have increased their touring schedule, albeit mostly local to their home country, USA.
SOTY will once again satiate their eager fans when making their return to Australia on 4th August in Perth, then onto Adelaide August 6th, Melbourne August 8th, Sydney August 9th and finishing in Brisbane on August 11. With a repertoire of six LP's, including Wolves (2017) and Tear Me To Pieces (2023), SOTY are sure to once again bring their formidable powerhouse of entertainment when August rolls around.
Shout-out to Destroy All Lines for bringing these millenial post-hardcore heroes back to our shores!