ISC Archive Post [11.04.23]: Interview with Modern Thrashers REMISSION.
Originally posted on our sadly now-in-ruins previous website (RIP) back in 2023.
Official Band Photo, courtesy of Remission.
The 12th iteration of the illustrious New Dead Festival has absorbed an epic roster of artists from across state lines. Drawing in eager punters like iron filings to a magnet, this Saturday’s set to be one hell of a raucous riff-fest in Radelaide.
Speaking of magnetic…in checking out the roster, the iron filings in my auditory cortex were irrevocably drawn to the metal-as-fark, death-infused thrash of WA’s Remission.
With a new label signing, a recently released single (‘Hellfire’, check it out below!) and an interstate gig all on the cards, we caught up with a band on the ramp-up for 2023.
Congratulations on your new signing to Bleeding Arts Collective! You’re joining some pretty high-calibre acts such as Freedom of Fear and Xenobiotic. How’s it feel to be part of the roster?
“‘Thank you very much! It feels awesome to be included amongst such formidable talents on the roster, and to be considered a peer amongst them is amazing.
We’ve been lucky enough to tour and play with all the bands on the roster currently, and we cannot wait to do more of that.’”
Western Australia is cranking out the goods lately. How’s the vibe in the scene over there at present?
“‘Western Australia has more or less always had amazing bands popping up, but I feel the new generation of bands coming through at the moment such as Crypt Crawler, Suneater and End ItAll (to name just a few) are really pushing the envelope in their music and their live shows. It’s extremely exciting to be a part of such a rich scene here.’”
New single ‘Hellfire’ has some serious speed to it.
Were there any particular influences, new or old, that informed the songwriting process with your upcoming material?
“‘That song was mostly influenced by hatred and a need to play fight riffs, really.
As for the rest of the new material, it’s mostly all influenced by current bands that we admire in the thrash/death metal realm who incorporate a lot of other sonic influences. Mostly bands like Revocation and Sylosis, both of which all of us in the band would cite as being main influences overall.’
‘We always try to write music that we enjoy playing and like listening to, so there’s a very wide variety of bands that have influenced different sections of each song.’”
‘The Tether’s End’ was released in 2019, in The Before Times. How’s it feel to be getting old and material back onto the stage again?
“‘Ah yes, the before times. Luckily enough, over in Perth, we only had to take about 4 months off of shows, so we have been playing the older songs for quite a while now!
In saying that though, we always enjoy and take pride in playing these songs as that album was a very formative stage in our bands’ development, and I daresay there are a few songs on that record which will continue to be mainstays in our live shows.’
‘Taking those songs on tour to new audiences across Australia has been a very, very rewarding experience also!’”
On that note, how’s it feel to be added to the (epic) New Dead Festival lineup? Any bands you guys are particularly keen for seeing?
“To say we are absolutely stoked to be included on such a killer lineup would be a large understatement! We are incredibly grateful to be playing alongside such an amazing bunch ofbands.
Personally, I love Disentomb and I am always keen to watch them play live. Other bands I’ll be checking out are Hexis, RUN, Flaming Wrekage, Black Lava and Vexation!’”
RIP. :(
You guys are coming into New Dead relatively recently off the back of supporting Arch Enemy, to a great reception from punters. How was the experience for you guys?
“‘That show was crazy, by far the biggest show we have ever played and it still feels like somewhat of a dream to have done it! To get such an overwhelmingly positive reception from their audience was amazing too, and tells us we are on the right track.’
‘I would love to score a spot supporting a band like that on a whole Australian run, and have a week of playing showslike that.
Fingers crossed!’”
Do we get any teasers or hints about potential future supports, or is Mum the word?
“No word as of yet! Hopefully we get a few more big supports in before the end of the year, but for now I can say we have a pretty cool announcement for the month of August that folks shouldkeep an eye out for…”
What’s your craziest tour story?
“Not to go into too many unnecessary details, but on our last tour of Japan we were traveling from Nagoya to Tokyo on the bullet train. Just as we took off I tried to make the boys laugh with a bit of flatulence.
To cut a long story short, don’t try too hard to make it loud when your diet for the last 5 days has been made up of Beer and minimart food… and it was loud anyway.
Lots of unhappy glances from a carriage full of Japanese business people.”