#TabletopThursday, 16.01.25 - Of Orcs, Burnouts, Space Bar-Fights and Bedtime Monsters.
#TabletopThursday for16th Jan features: Rallyman Dirt, two elongated greentexts adventures about two orcs - one, a total d-bag, one based as hell. And some words on Starforged, collaborator Elodie’s latest happenings, some lore, and other stuff. It’s 2am, time to sign off after another great week of nerding out.

ISC Podcast, ep. 08: The Stoked Series (Tabletop Edition) - 25.03.23
Originally posted on our sadly as-of-NYE-2024-dead-AF previous website. RIP. Episode 8 from March 2023 explores tabletop titles I was gearing up for at the time including, but not limited to: Monty Python’s Cocurricular Mediaeval Reenactment Programme, Mutant Year Zero, Wicked Ones/Undead Awakening, Warsurge, Mothership RPG, Battletech: Mercenaries , as well as the Ennies Nominations for 2023’s Awards.