[Archive] ISC Podcast Ep. 29: Dissecting The Perfect Organism - An Examination of Xenomorph XX-121, Part 1.
Note: This episode has been retained on our various podcast platforms since released. Unfortunately, we lost our previous website on NYE 2024 (RIP). See below for the written transcript plus a whole slew of additional research material and handy links for the episode!
Peace, Love and Xenomorphs xoxo - Brady.
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SPOILERS, SPOILERS, SPOILERS! This and following articles will reference a lot of the Alien franchise material, so be mindful of that going in. Ya been warned.
I've pooled together today's examination from a wide range of sources. However, for clarity, please note that I'm not really trying to stringently keep this in 'canon' (especially given the Alien franchise is discombobulated as it gets in that respect). Nor will I be painfully cross-referencing the myriad of Xenomorph variants available in the spacious and endless realms of the Extended Universe. aintgottimeforthat.mp3.
I'll remind even the most rabid fans that those involved in executive positions where the franchise is concerned, from Ridley Scott to Fincher and Fox Studios, have all come out on record to remind you of two main things. One, there ARE scientific misdirections, it's fiction. Two, not every single minute scientific detail of the species has been accounted for. Their intent, and mine today, is to entertain and have fun. I get the inconsistencies with natural science, chill out.
I'm primarily basing today's article on official supplements (e.g. The Alien Tabletop RPG, the Colonial Marines Handbook supplement, etc. Per point 3, much of these materials themselves are contradictory around everything from scientific fact to lore consistency.
Comprehensive review of the broader setting, as well as more intricate theory-crafting around the Xenomorph's origins, will be saved for later episodes. For today, it's too exhaustive for you and I to be caught too far up in either. Just flagging this as I very much intend to dive deeper into the broader universe behind the films in upcoming content!
Biology, chemistry, physics etc - all topics of great interest to me, but also not my professional acumen. I'd love to hear your own theories around what is discussed today, so be sure to watch on ISC socials and/or comment below for further discussion!
Look man, I had an inkling of how entrenched some folks are within the Alien universe as their primary special interest. Rightfully so, it's a wonderfully intricate setting once you delve past the whole chesty-bursty die-die. That said? I wasn't ready for how knowledgeable and scholastic a lot of the fandom is around Alien. So believe me when I say that shorthand list up there may well not be enough for some of you. Honestly? Your loss, in that case, I'm here to type something fun.
Initially, I intended for this to be a fully RP'ed piece, audiodrama style. We'll see, honestly. Perhaps the conversion to podcast format *will* contain a more nuanced in-Universe version (I'm talking characters, voice acting, SFX etc).
For the written piece, however, I'll keep it more 'factual' in tone.
If it helps your immersion - picture that you're in some form of either public-private partnership meeting (such as, say between the Weyland-Yutani Corporation, LaSalle Bionational etc) and an intra-galactic geopolitical entity within the lore - United Americas, Union of Progressive Peoples, etc.
Put yourself in a relevant role, perhaps. Visualise yourself in the shoes of say, a student, a research assistant or someone in military command/intelligence gathering incident-report intel.
For myself, I'm broadly picturing a small, lecture-style arrangement from the perspective of a xenobiologist.
So that there's some immersive elements, you'll note throughout that I'll be referencing dates, events and names as though the author is in-universe.
Where you see [Author's Note: ], those will just be interjections where I simply can't help it and have to add my two-bob.
Grab your Weyland-Yutani mug. Set your pulse rifle down. Decelerate thrusters as you await clearance on the way home from the Frontier.
Let's go.
A Presentation Concerning The Morphology, Attributes and Utility of Specimen Xenomorph XX-121.
a) Taxonomy (Or Lack Thereof):
Whilst the remainder of this analysis will veer away from discursive analysis in favour of keeping it more empirically-flavoured, I have to raise a couple of points about the 'Xenomorph'.
Specifically, in any biological examination, we must note the specimen's taxonomy.
Curiously, none such definitive classification system exists for Specimen XX-121.
a) because it's a goddamn fictional creature and
b) there are a number of morphological and biochemical features that differentiate it from, well, most known life.
More on that later.
[Author's Note:] I've seen various mentions of likening this specimen and it's offspring to arthropods due to the existence of an exoskeleton (and mesoskeleton, as noted in other cases).
Yet still, novelist Alex White (responsible for several highly-acclaimed novelisations such as Alien: Charybdis, Alien: Cold Forge and Alien: Incursion) notes the physical structure and self-sustenance afforded to the creature, mimics that of the adorable and hardy tardigrade.
Ladies and gentlemen, we've discussed the inherent difficulties in providing a formal entry into the classification systems noted by natural science. Whilst Harvesters and other 'bugs' as termed colloquially by Colonial infantrymen, civilians et cetera, there has been some speculation as to whether the Specimen could be considered by virtue of characteristics to be an arthropod.
As members of the proposed clade Panarthopoda, a vague grouping of extant phylum Tardigrada and Onychophora, those beloved little water-bears back on Earth are morphologically rather distinct from today's creature.
Nevertheless, were we to shoe-horn such an... unconventional specimen into any comparison with Earthbound analogues, one might align them with the Tardigrade. Feel free to annotate slides on the latter utilising the following diagram; it shall provide useful come question-time at the end.
Therefore, it is my recommendation that future public-private xenobiological partnerships consider further discussion of classification with academics and experts.
It goes without saying to ensure the appropriate person has appropriate security clearance prior, of course.
b) Nomenclature - Civilian Reference:
I would daresay it assumed knowledge of those in the audience today around how the Xenormorph was coined as a term, historically.
It bears repeating, however.
The actual term 'Xenomorph' was first officially used as an identifier by Lieutenant Scott Gorman (USCMC 2nd Battalion, Bravo Company) . Within his official capacity, this was first noted to the USCM Marine Corps staff in their address prior to the incident aforementioned on LV-426.
Flight recording data from the USS Sulaco pertains to the relevant briefing - refer here for more details.
[Author's Note: Utilising a Reddit thread from community to extrapolate here]. As the wonderfully-aptly-named Redditor /u/Bishop_Should_Go notes - Gorman's definition is somewhat intentionally-vague. And cool, when you think about it.]
The word itself is a compound of the Greek-derived words xeno and morph:
“xeno - strange, foreign, unusual, other, alien”
“morph - form, figure, shape, appearance.”
So in essence, Lt. Gorman was labelling the horrendously exotic specimen a 'strange figure', or variation of.
At the time, it is assumed the Lieutenant was using the term as a catch-all for generic extrasolar/extraterrestrial life-forms. We've often utilised the exact same in documenting rather unconventional species, such as those derived from non-carbon-based atmospheres.
Indeed, for those not aware, XX-121 denotes being arranged within an ongoing indexation of similarly 'foreign creatures'.
You can see, dear audience, tat this wonderfully aberrant and exotic life-form defies even our most basal scientific notions.
Hence, we recommend staff to draw their own conclusions, based further on our continued analysis in this presentation. Please report as well to the comprehensive data available on The Network.
b-ii) Nomenclature (Scientific)
Official Binomial Name: Internicivus Raptus (translated from Latin, 'murderous thief').
Within the known galaxy, the Xenomorph also gains the binomial title of Lingua Foeda Acheronsis, or 'foul tongue from Acheron'. (Acheron is the official title given to the planetoid on which the Nostromo responded to the distress beacon, and later where the Weyland-Yutani terraforming colony Hadley's Hope was constructed).
Given the re-classification and classified nature of the unofficial causal factors leading to the loss of Hadley's Hope, we see the latter title less emergent within scientific discussions. Should our classified data ever see the light of scholastic opinion outside these walls, then one would assume we term remains.
Formally within communications between Weyland-Yutani, the United Americas and other trans-galactic corporate entities such as LaSalle Bionational, the specimen is often referred to as Xenomorph XX-121. Indeed, we have computational data suggesting the Artificial Intelligence unit, Rook, had labelled the specimen as such aboard the orbital research facility Renaissance.
Colloquial references from civilian and informal encounters have a range of terms, including 'dragon', 'serpent', 'creature', 'beast',
Notably, I also refer you to the existence of 'Space Beast'. It's author, Robert Morse, known to officials as the single survivor of the Xenomorph XX-121 incident inside the decommissioned Fiorina 161 correctional facility. Further briefing details of the incident and loss of specimen are contained within the data attached to your pre-briefing comms.
For ease of use, we can once again proceed with our discussion with heretofore moniker of 'the Xenormorph'.
Now I'd like to point out that we have several researchers and consultants in attendance today whom will be providing a more thoroughly-detailed discussion regarding the extra-terrestrial origins of the Xenomorph.
I would like to advise the audience to reserve any queries regarding the xenoarchaeology of those named 'Engineers' until later relevant briefings.
For now, enough data collated from LV-426, LV-233 and subsequent laboratory analyses to safely determine the species itself derives most likely from artificial origin.
Specimen XX-121 appears to be a specific iteration of highly advanced genetic modification made possible through the effects of Chemical A0-3959X.91 – 15. Informal references noted in military-industrial and civilians comms also reference this Agent as 'Prometheus Fire', 'black goo', or simply 'the pathogen'.
Whilst I recognise the agents' current rogue status and re-classification by both the Corporation and Military Intelligence as an ongoing threat, one must also recognise the critical nature of Cybernetic Agent D.9391-WEY (call-sign 'David'). Data received by Outer Rim transponders and later decrypted by Weyland-Yutani data-security reveals over a decades' worth of planetwide experimentation utilising the Agent, to great success.
Note: Visual Data gathered from exosuit datapads obtained at the crash-site of LV-233.
Allow us to discuss this fascinating chemical agent in closer detail. Doing so relates to the physical characteristics, lifestyle and behaviours of Specimen XX-121 and subsequent variants for further discussion this week.
a) Chemical Agent AO-3959X.91-15
Of particular note - despite a decade's worth of study and a number of suitable hosts for observation, David's works and subsequent AI projection indicates we unfortunately have about 4.2% of the pathogen deconstructed thus far.
Of what has been attained thus far, we see a remarkably reflexive, adaptive and universally potent viral agent. The pathogen seems to be able to aggressively modify attributes of host DNA, synthesising via an incredibly fast and comprehensive reconstitution of genomic sequencing across all tissue and cellular types observed and tested thus far.
In essence, Chemical AO posits a seemingly limitless capacity to provide a platform for genetic engineering. At a rate and level unforeseen by any advances in either known or projected medical science. We have no close analogues known within current natural science, which supports the overall hypothesis we shall discuss later around the Xenomorph as an engineered bioweapon.
So voracious is this pathogen that our most esteemed biochemists, biomedical engineers and artificial intelligence lack the appropriate training models, data projection and, well, honestly - intellectual capacity, to reproduce such agents in even mildly similar form.
Recent experiments have proved minimally successful. Thus, it is the recommendation of myself and staff to corporate and military interests to proceed further with study of current samples, rather than attempt recreation via our current technology.
Indeed, it is posited that we may lack the appropriate capacity with which to reproduce a strain of significant similarity without considerable negative side effects (refer to UPP experimental program Darkstar, mentioned below).
Purpose Of The Agent:
Our closest hypothesis as to the specific intent behind development of this Agent, we believe, is to serve as a highly potent mutagenic pathogen. Specifically, the design appears to have been deliberate and, at least initially, use-cases for facilitating rapid deconstruction, mutation and synthesis/recombination of the host's Dioxyribonucleic Acid (DNA). Conjecture surrounds the original intent of prior variations, however xenoarchaeological data posits biomedical engineering through which the 'Engineer' species attempted to accelerate natural evolutionary processes.
We are aware the Engineers were potentially facing some form of crisis in either population (reproduction, genetic inbreeding in the like) or, more informally, an ambition with potential religious/philosophical intent to achieve post-mortal status.
Irrespective, the urn-like containers from which the specific derivative AO3935 was initially sourced appear to be modified for intent as a bioweapon. This also explains the physical positioning of deceased Engineer specimens within the installation. Namely, apparent collective attempting to escape the unidentified craft; visual data suggests an incident aboard involving exposure to the pathogen unwittingly.
Infection and Prognosis: Data From Prometheus.
Whilst unfortunate in terms of human lives expended from an ethical perspective, the fate of Mr. Weyland, Mrs. Shaw, Mr. Holloway and their enlisted counterparts of exploratory vessel Prometheus, nevertheless provides us a fascinating record of how exposure to the pathogen manipulates human DNA.
I refer the audience to the following hologram, which further elucidates both the initial containment of the specimen and also further details on delivery:
It is unfortunate that Ms. Shaw and Davids' decision to continue further exploration rather than retain these ampules for analysis results in our scientists not having an original source from which to study.
However, as per the incident aboard the Nostromo and indeed biological samples gathered from the wreckage site on Acheron, we have plenty of material to work with.
Original Casualty: A Case Study of Mr. Sean Fifield.
Mr. Sean Fifield remains the first known casualty of the original Agent in it's purest form. Whilst the classification of the specimen which he was mutated into does not mirror that of Specimen XX-121, we again would be wise to infer data from his ingestion and morphological transformation in extrapolating to current human subjects within our crypods.
PUPS Operator/Geological Specialist Fifield was regarded by prior records as of fit mental status and physical characteristics to be generalisable to the overall human population.
Please now refer to your datapads for a breakdown of typical effects, experienced often in sequence.
Of interest - whilst prior infections range to the upper time ranges as classified in David's data, we note that Fifield experienced a rather accelerated period of infestation within the median time frames proposed by the android.
Whilst the subjects' exosuit and that of his accompanying colleague were too severely damaged by Ms. Weylands' utility of the incincerator, we have sufficient data based on video/audio logs, sensors and the like to estimate his trajectory:
Subject approached the extraterrestrial organism colloquially referenced as a 'Hammerpede', following its' approach from a pool containing the pathogen. Whilst attempting to forcibly remove the specimen from colleague Millburn in self-defence, Sean fell into the liquid face-first and thus ingested a significant amount of the Agent material. The visor was damaged due to the acidic properties of the specimen's blood, per below.
Visual data of the specimen indicates a highly similar morphology to that of Specimen XX-121. Note the fanned-style head and elongated body, designed for agile movement in order to secure placement of the Chemical. Approximate length of the specimens encountered was 30 to 40 inches in size.
Of note - it appears that this specimen itself may originally have been a neutral indigenous worm native to LV-233, and experienced significant DNA reconstitution on contact with the uncontained liquid within the extraterrestrial craft.
This, along with further data from David, indicates the pathogen as particularly amenable to fauna specifically. Indeed, our overall data suggests this pathogen discriminates between flora/fauna in order to provide ambulatory and variably sapient hosts with which to facilitate future hosts.
How the pathogen is able to impact seeming unlimited variation of fauna is beyond the scope of our knowledge thus far. We posit that the Engineers intended this as a means of providing planet-wide dispersement for their own examination and study, as well as offensive capabilities against potential aggressors on explored worlds.
2. With reference to the above effects table, it appears Fifield was subject to considerably rapid infection and viral load due to a bodily immersion in the Agent. Removal of the above specimen from Millburn was made difficult at the time due to the Hammerpede's internal acidic blood - Fifields' attempt to dislocate the creature from his colleague's body via incision, resulted in a spray of the acid onto his helmet visor. This likely instigated a reflexive pain response responsible for loss of balance and falling to the liquid pool.
Medical data infers an accelerated trajectory post-ingestion for Millburn, and equally rapid due to accidental ingestion on part of Fifield - it is likely the subject experienced rapid acidosis, discolouration of extremities and dermal layers and advanced dementia within hours. From here, the host experienced rapid deconstruction and reconstitution of basal genetic material, synthesised with that of the pathogen.
The highly expedited neurocognitive decline (a result of significant cerebral dysmorphia, impacting normative cognitive processing), in addition to the behavioural conditioning seemingly inherent in DNA recombination itself, led to the specimen's highly increased aggression and reduced inhibition on contact with Prometheus crew some hours later.
From Mr Fifields' death, and indeed the data gathered regarding subsequent subject Dr. Holloway, we have classified the infection and subsequent recombination in the following stages:
[Author's Note - these Stages as well as additional information on the 'Anathema/Abomination' was sourced from The Colonial Marines Operations Manual, pages 175-180].
‘mug on this one, eh?
Stage I: Vitiate "Afflicted"
An afflicted is the initial stage of when someone is exposed to the black goo, usually in small doses. Symptoms include, epiphora and paranoid behavior.
If one is to look closely, small tapeworm creatures can sometimes be visible swimming in the victim's eyes or bodily fluids, mutations of the host's microorganisms.
Stage II: Ague "Febrile"
The Vitiate will become increasingly feverish and subject to increasingly intense pain. Their eyes will darken and various black varicose veins spread across the victim, followed by decomposition of skin tissue. Whilst nil visual data exists regarding subject Fifields' transition to Stage II, we can extrapolate similar from visual data aboard the Prometheus regarding subject Holloway per below:
Note that psychologically, whilst reportedly mildly impaired and experiencing severe fever and recombination, it appears Dr. Holloway retained some higher-order executive functioning and emotional capacity prior to his termination.
Stage III: Lusus "Freak"
The victim is mutated into a disfigured bestial creature known as a Lusus. Their body becomes greatly deformed, and they are rendered an animalistic husk of sheer rage. Some Anathemas have been known to retain limited intelligence, and can still use basic tools. They will attack anything on sight.
Pathological analysis from the subjects' own Parameter Uplink Spectographs (a.k.a. 'PUPS'), David and ship data transmitted alike indicate a poor prognosis for Mr. Fifield, whom was observed to have attacked and killed several crew-members due to the pathological aggression instilled by the Agent.
For further analysis of this variant, as well as intel regarding experimental data sourced by counter-intelligence efforts regarding the Union of Progressive People's classified Darkstar program, I ask we defer questioning re: same to the lecture later this week. In summary, confidential decrypted data indicates numerous incidences of Lusus-stage individuals attacking and killing both military and civilian UPP personnel until summarily exterminated.
Stage IV: Nocuous "Terminal"
The final stage of an Anathema results in total disintegration. Depending on the level exposure to the pathogen, victims can be immediately rendered a Nocuous. Skin tissue begins to blacken completely and flake away, and bones grow brittle and can snap off. Eventually the victim's cell membranes will burst, and their DNA will disintegrate into the atmosphere, dispersing large amounts of airborne pathogen that will infect any life in the area.
We have few examples available, unfortunately. Artificial intelligence data extracted from xenoarchaeological study has, however, rendered us a depiction of what an initial host subject from the Engineer race may have presented upon rapid acceleration to Stage IV. See the display behind myself for more.
I shall delegate discussion as to the cultural and psychological intent behind this specimen's intentional consumption of the pathogen to later expert panels.
Ladies and gentlemen, I have just been informed that our catering shipment and auxiliary staff have advised refreshments are available for morning tea.
Please enjoy, and take the time to review attachments sent prior to this briefing. If I could ask you all to meet back in here at approximately 1115hrs, we will proceed further with our analysis of Agent AO.
In my next lecture, I will finalise summary details of this fascinating pathogen and introduce Xenomorph XX-121.
I thank you for your time and attention today.
It is my hope our joint public-private partnerships, as well as this weeks' consortium, will greatly aid future study and development of the myriad of utilities one can derive from application of XX-121 to civilian, industry and military contexts.
MASSIVE thanks in particular to the meticulous and comprehensive contributions to today's piece due in no small part to the community over at Xenopedia. Truly astounding attention to detail, as with writers and contributors of both the Alien RPG and the Colonial Marines Operational Manual supplements.
Highly recommending picking up either of the latter should you wish to dive deep into what is a much richer universe of material than what you see on-screen!