![[Music Mondays] Mon 3rd Feb, 2025.](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/67738900deaf1a5f243892aa/1738581277133-7RTXWS4SVZEU50VZVOZ2/427135807_7654838114540460_8045244545557484009_n.jpg)
[Music Mondays] Mon 3rd Feb, 2025.
This week’s Music Monday contains more than you shake a stick at! Multiple recent Heavy News items - album releases! Recent Riffs (articles)! Reviews and more! Plus a whole swathe of updates from the equally-busy Musolegion community - more album reviews, gig reviews and several packed Musolegion Recommends pieces exploring bands from Iceland, Japan and Central Asia! Dig in, music-lovers.
![ISC Podcast Ep. 33: [INTERVIEW] w/ ROBERT ERIKsSON, Drummer of Sweden’s THE HELLACOPTERS.](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/67738900deaf1a5f243892aa/1738414509042-Y091QM06C17X67PJU9IS/hellacopterscover.jpg)
ISC Podcast Ep. 33: [INTERVIEW] w/ ROBERT ERIKsSON, Drummer of Sweden’s THE HELLACOPTERS.
Another music-scene veteran with many years of industry experience under his belt in Robert Erikkson! Robert is the long-term mainstay drummer of Swedish hard-rock institution The Hellacopters. We caught up on Tue 28th Jan just prior to release of their infectious, hooky and fun latest LP Overdriver, available as of the 31st. Check out the full interview plus artist bio, album order links, latest singles and more! Rock on, Svenska style.
![[Archive] ISC Podcast, Ep. 30: AUDIO LOG - Clinical Examination Of Specimen XX-121, AKA ‘Xenomorph’(Part 2).](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/67738900deaf1a5f243892aa/1737469225300-MINEU9B936G73ER4HN1B/w7rl8lxm3fqc1.jpeg)
[Archive] ISC Podcast, Ep. 30: AUDIO LOG - Clinical Examination Of Specimen XX-121, AKA ‘Xenomorph’(Part 2).
Exhumed from the chest-bursted corpse of our old website (RIP old site 31.12.24, sniff), here’s Part 2 of our Dissecting The Perfect Organism series. Check link for both audiodrama podcast links and written narrative, diagrams, lore and information relating to sci-fi’s perfect villain, told from a scientist-doctor perspective. The current episode details, among other things, the ‘Black Goo’, engineers, The Deacon, proto-xenomorphs and potential origins of our favourite eyeless-space killer!
![[Archive] ISC Podcast Ep. 29: Dissecting The Perfect Organism - An Examination of Xenomorph XX-121, Part 1.](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/67738900deaf1a5f243892aa/1737370632341-HWO0D4SC4NLWD4KB6FJX/image-14.png)
[Archive] ISC Podcast Ep. 29: Dissecting The Perfect Organism - An Examination of Xenomorph XX-121, Part 1.
Check the link for Episode 29 of the Inner-Strength Check Podcast, and the full transcript of Dissecting The Perfect Organism: An Examination of Specimen XX-121. Over multiple podcast episodes, we’re bringing you a comprehensive, lore-based examination of the infamous Xenomorph from the Alien franchise. The current article explores the Chemical Agent or ‘Black Goo’ , as well as initial encounters with the pathogen as seen in the film Prometheus. Plenty of additional media here, so be sure to check it all out!
![[Archive] ISC Podcast Ep. 24: Interview with SERENA CHERRY of UK Metal Crew SVALBARD.](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/67738900deaf1a5f243892aa/1737092925514-J2PV5CYV2N19687ES5OS/thumbnail_image011.jpg)
[Archive] ISC Podcast Ep. 24: Interview with SERENA CHERRY of UK Metal Crew SVALBARD.
Note: This is an archival repost, derived from the bones of our sadly now-defunct old website (RIP). Originally posted May 2024, check the link for a wonderful, fun and sincere interview with Sereena Cherry, frontwoman, vocalist and guitarist for the up-and-coming Bristol, UK metallers Svalbard. Check link for video and audio versions of what was a fantastic chat, as well as relevant album details, tour details, singles and more.
![[Archive] Ep. 20: Recap Part 1. State of the Podcast Address.](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/67738900deaf1a5f243892aa/1736944811217-AL97WVB7V2VJDOJYG2D8/bf1.jpg)
[Archive] Ep. 20: Recap Part 1. State of the Podcast Address.
Featured Image by: Samuel Phillips Photography @ New Dead Fest. Check the blog for our review of 2022 + 2023 NDF! This is an archived podcast episodes, brought to you from the remains of our sadly now-defunct old website (RIP 31.12.2024). This one’s a.. challenging read for me considering how 2024 turned out. More on that later. See link for podcast episode links, interview links and a very thorough transcript with a lot of mental health reflection - positive, negative and all in between.
![[Archive] Ep. 18 - ‘Touch Grass’ A.K.A. The Enshittification of The Internet.](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/67738900deaf1a5f243892aa/1736836703205-YMM10Q6LELE2YG29E4LH/463434601_2837976419708879_2568025365908000732_n.jpg)
[Archive] Ep. 18 - ‘Touch Grass’ A.K.A. The Enshittification of The Internet.
(Archival Post - originally posted to our now-defunct (RIP) prior website on November 6th, 2023). This episode is a discourse analysis and review of the process of ‘enshittification’, a term coined by technology journalist and critic Cory Doctorow. Check the link for Spotify and Youtube podcast episodes!
![[Heavy News] Introducing: Music Mondays and Tech Tuesdays!](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/67738900deaf1a5f243892aa/1736945266015-ZY5CR0M2KV34E7T3SKPZ/image-6.png)
[Heavy News] Introducing: Music Mondays and Tech Tuesdays!
Featured Image: Lachlan R. Dale, solo artist and label owner of Worlds Within Worlds and Art as Catharsis. (interview with Lachlan incoming as i extract it from the carcass of our now-defunct old website, RIP). This article was originally posted to our old website, long may it rest, and introduces Music Mondays for the first time - a regular column including all the latest in heavy and alternative music news, features, reviews, ISC content updates and our own musician updates as well!
![[RIFFS] Big Tech: Guys. Can We Just *STAHP* Adding Stuff To The Stuff? Signed, Brady.](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/67738900deaf1a5f243892aa/1736508036617-27P3BHF7TL7YKM91C1PF/bells-beach-surf-photography.jpg)
[RIFFS] Big Tech: Guys. Can We Just *STAHP* Adding Stuff To The Stuff? Signed, Brady.
Feat. Image Credit - Glenn Guy, 2015. (LINK). Hoo-kay. Don’t know about everyone else, but Lorrdy-Lord can we just ask Silicon Valley to tone it back a bit? Stop. STAHP. It’s time to stop. Bed-time, now. Night night. Too many browser-AI-bots. Too many superfluous Big Tech gadgets. Let’s talk about some digital minimalism, have a little relatable rant about perceptual and digital overwhelm, and wrap it up all with some great and informative Youtubers and apps. Let’s. Let’s do.
![[Archive - 26.11.24] Introducing: #MusicMondays and #TechTuesdays!](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/67738900deaf1a5f243892aa/1736347726826-AKOWMCU5IZUV3H2BE8FE/49947660_1116194035229434_7626097051209564160_n.jpg)
[Archive - 26.11.24] Introducing: #MusicMondays and #TechTuesdays!
Whilst I don’t have the capacity re: time and energy etc, plus have lost a bit of metadata with the death of my prior site - I can’t in good conscience let stellar posts and input from the Musolegion community (as well as a chance for promoting a lot of great bands!) go to waste. See here for an explainer and initial introduction to Music Mondays (featuring our Musolegion ‘From The Community’ column) and Technical Tuesdays blog series. Keep following us on the new site for future segments!
![[Blog Update] Swingin’ The (Un)Dead - 2025 Content Roadmap (Jan)](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/67738900deaf1a5f243892aa/1736312393094-WE71ALV5JZH06GUJE5EZ/462381226_3840719132830506_7302021971628903744_n.jpg)
[Blog Update] Swingin’ The (Un)Dead - 2025 Content Roadmap (Jan)
Hope y’all appreciate this one cause holy HELL it was a bit of work! Full Content Roadmap for ISC blog for 2025, including each individual archive piece for re-writing/posting from our prior now-dead website. Plus, a heads-up on the scheduling and content of the Podcast for 2025, list of albums for review and much more. Back to it.

A Philo-Slothical Piece - Thank You From Me, Your Host.
(Content Warning - Explicit Language!). A heartfelt and sincere thanks-in-advance to YOU, the Inner-Strength Check community. In this article, I reiterate the ultimate purpose of this whole project, and the reasons I’ve kept going through 4 years and a new website from the ground up. Thank you. Sincerely.

ISC Podcast, ep. 08: The Stoked Series (Tabletop Edition) - 25.03.23
Originally posted on our sadly as-of-NYE-2024-dead-AF previous website. RIP. Episode 8 from March 2023 explores tabletop titles I was gearing up for at the time including, but not limited to: Monty Python’s Cocurricular Mediaeval Reenactment Programme, Mutant Year Zero, Wicked Ones/Undead Awakening, Warsurge, Mothership RPG, Battletech: Mercenaries , as well as the Ennies Nominations for 2023’s Awards.

ISC Podcast Ep. 7: Review of IHSAHN’s ‘The Fascination Street Sessions’ LP, 06.03.2023
Originally posted on our old website, which unfortunately has met an untimely end (thanks, WordPress!). RIP. This episode is a brief one, naturally so when reviewing a short but powerful EP in Fascination Street Sessions by progressive black metal maestro Ihsahn. Original post date: March 6th, 2023.
![ISC Podcast Ep. 6 - The March Not-An-Update Anti-Update (Update). [05/03/2023].](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/67738900deaf1a5f243892aa/1735876691453-ZNM7WL2LGUJB70E67X19/471763041_923331563237204_4558893098269910696_n.jpg)
ISC Podcast Ep. 6 - The March Not-An-Update Anti-Update (Update). [05/03/2023].
Originally posted on our sadly now-in-ruins previous website (RIP) back in 2023. In honesty, it’s an interesting piece with some varied thoughts around content-creation and creativity, but it’s overall a pretty impassioned diatribe. If that sounds up your alley, dig in. If not, we’ve got a heap more episodes being copied and reposted from the carcass of ISC.com (RIP)!

ISC Podcast Ep. 05 - ISC Trajectory for 2023. (27.12.2022)
Originally posted on our old website, which unfortunately has met an untimely end (thanks, WordPress!). To quote directly - ‘A culture fed unrelenting standards imposed by some strange continued need to propagate the pre-pandemic model of life under neoliberal austerity. Plot twist - that isn't working, and I'm fed up.’ Link to rant contained inside!

ISC Podcast Ep. 04 - The Great (Sigh of) Resignation.
This is an archival repost of Episode 4: ‘The Great Sigh of Resignation’ of the Inner-Strength Check Podcast. Available on Spotify, Youtube and all other streaming platforms. Rest in Peace innerstrengthcheck.com, you will be missed.
![[Archive Review] - Alarum - Circle's End - (03.11.2022)](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/67738900deaf1a5f243892aa/1735713576242-VEB5RHNF23ID3FJPRCEE/alarum.jpg)
![[Archive Review] - Cannibal Corpse: Unimagined Violence.](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/67738900deaf1a5f243892aa/1735708844523-L6T576UR28XHRIIGMJJ8/cannibal-corpse-500x333-1.jpg)
[Archive Review] - Cannibal Corpse: Unimagined Violence.
Archive review of Cannibal Corpse’s blazing full-length Unimaged Violence. This was originally posted to now-defunct music journalism online outlet Insert Review Here, then my own sadly-also-goner ISC.com. Check out this extreme metal bruiser of a review once more right here on the new site!

Gig Review: The New Dead Metalfest XI, 23/04/22.
Archival review of 2022’s brilliant New Dead Festival in Adelaide, South Australia at the Lion Arts Factory.
Plenty more from the sadly now-defunct InnerStrengthCheck.com website - you can’t keep us down!