[Dicey News] EXALTED FUNERAL Brings Thee: Godhusk from Plastiboo! Cave Evil Art Book! Ungodz!
Preamble From An Arch-Nerd, Your Host:
You’ll have noticed our regular segments have been a tad intermittent, most notable Tabletop Thursdays. In honesty, the Challenge-Rating -100-Septillion-Encounter that has been the exhumation of Dead Blog Corpse onto Slowly But Inexorably Levelling Up New-Blog Infant, has been a grind of epic proportions.
With it ticking over just a month since I watched a failed domain-transfer obliterate four years of work (right on 6pm New Year’s Eve, to boot) and over a month straight of constant reformatting, reposting, reuploading etc?
Yeah, I am beat.
All that considered, however, I’m making an effort to not let too much of the new-things tsunami pass me by.
To sustain myself and just to get a break from the archaeological excavations, I reorient my homunculus-brain towards the tabletop constellation with some new pieces. I have something of my own creation, but I wish to also provide bardic inspiration for you, Dear Reader, to stray from Wizards of the Coast’s market-share autocracy, if only for a while.
There’s so many fantastic independent publishers creating affordable, accessible and well-polished, well-thought out TTRPG systems. They deserve a place in the pantheon as well.
Let’s get some Dicey News going, not just Dicey Olds, eh?
Irrevocably and inconceivably based, indie publishers Exalted Funeral are an entity which I’m always proud to promote across the astral planes of an erstwise increasingly shit-infested Internet 3.0.
With an aesthetic that is a fantastic combination of 80’s-vidya, classic fantasy OSR dungeoneering and Dan Seagrave death metal album covers, the newsletter’s one that cops emoji eyes from me pretty much any time the e-newsletter is caught amidst your hosts’ unconquerable pile of great media.
I’m not paid by anyone to promote anything on this site thus far - consider this a love-letter by way of newsletter.
Summon - Exalted Funeral news!
[Sick bass tapping riff over black metal tremolo and blastbeats].
Peace, Love and Grindcore xoxo - Brady.
[Author’s Note: This title really doots the Skeltal. Love me a good grimdark adventure. /edgy]
The GM eyes you up, noting your feverish scrolling engendered by many years under the curse of the dreaded Black Screen Smartphone Doo-Hickey.
The Game Master raises a clawed hand, points to the below image and utters a simple phrase - “dude, look at this merch! Metal AF.”
You are now charmed and cannot wait to check this badboy out, for there is a whole trove of goodies to beheld in yonder bundle. See for example below - best use the Dash action, ‘cause there’s only ~ 200 left!
All Stretch Goals UNLOCKED!! Riffs! DICE. METAL.
Godhusk - REbirth
by Hollow Press
It's like Vermis! But different! Little bit more on a sci-fi tip. Like scarier DOOM! What is this game? What does it mean to exist? Songs are made of mysteries, and clouds are made of moonbeams!
[Author’s Note - DUDE. Sick sample image from the title page:]
More? Okay. Rad and Metal-AF Artbook:
Manifester Monsters
by Hollow Press
Artwork: Mat Brinkman
Editor: Michele Nitri
Graphic Design: Marco Cirillo Pedri
Scans Restoration: Marco Cirillo Pedri
Drawings arrangement: Michele Nitri and Marco Cirillo Pedri
Art book of all of Mat Brinkman's art for Cave Evil and War Cults! Cave Evil I first heard of from a buddy from Western Mass who was like, "you like D&D and that kind of shit, right, you gotta check out this like black metal board game Cave Evil."
I still haven't played it, and I've lost my Cave Goo. I need to get my copy of Mushroom Eaters back. Anyway, get all of the great art in one book!
[Author’s Note: LOOK AT THE COVER ART FOR WAR CULTS. EF aren’t wrong about these titles being hella black-metal coded]:
Not Hieronymoush-Bosch-ed Out Yet?
Lemme hit you up with Ungodz cover art, then (details on the TTRPG from the words of publisher-babes below):
by Hollow Press
Illustrated by Plastiboo and Johan Nohr?
Not to mention, Fat Gomez, Alfred Pietroni, Aleksandra Czudzak, Filip Ugrin.
An adventure for Mork Borg or your preferred old-school like rule set, Ungodz is based on the Aeneid, which when reading classical epics, was my favorite. I should revisit those. It was all in school, except the Tain, which I read for fun the summer after eighth grade because the green Celts book listed it as a source. Was not prepared for parsing a translated poem from Old Irish. Honestly probably still not. But get these while you can.
[Author’s Note: Abaddon Incarnate nods in agreement]
Book Release in Los Angeles
Last weekend was a lot of fun at Cantrip Candles! Stay tuned for more in person events to hang out with other Funeral Goers.
“Dirtbags! is a sci-fi shooter TTRPG where players take on the role of convicts in a corporate-run dystopian world, coerced into the Military Foundation’s Rehabilitation Incentive Program (R.I.P.) with the promise of freedom and reintegration.
Forced to endure relentless tours of duty, Dirtbags are expendable, thrown at every problem imaginable, from distant alien bug infestations and scab pirates to suicidal salvage missions, courier work, and anything else the Corporate Echelon demands.”
/Thread. Support Indie Publishers Who Make Rad Shit.