[Riff] Don’t give up, there’s hope on the horizon.

Dont give up, there's hope on the horizon: ♫ Bring Me The Horizon-What You Need

This piece might seem like a mish-mash of trite or recycled, oft-repeated sayings and advice, and it is, but it's also more than that. It's a nod to you, the reader, the human being. Namaste', or something. Personally, I dislike didactic people or posts, especially when I'm at my lowest mentally, so I understand if this feels preachy, because it's not meant to be.

Music as medicine: ♫ New Radicals-You Get What You Give, Nine Inch Nails-Every Day is Exactly The Same.

I often utilise music as a soundtrack to my life. Mainly because I know the profound effects it can have on mood, affecting good vibes and buoyancy of emotions, and music is a wonderful accompaniment to life's events and circumstances. While most days seem to be a carbon copy of the previous, it's important to know that each day holds minute details that we often overlook, and that each day isn't 'exactly the same'. There's always going to be contrasts in any given day and there's always something to be grateful for. 'You get what you give' (thanks for the reminder, New Radicals). On a creative level or even a spiritual level, it's important to remember to release your 'music' to the world and not keep your creativity or self expression inside. As the saying goes–'don't die with your music still within you.'

You're still here. And for good reasons: ♫ Parkway Drive-Dedicated.

Life is better with you around. We can often feel powerless when life repeatedly hits us with unfavourable events or circumstances, yet all things are possible with patience and persistent dedication.

There are certain tools we all use to cope with the 'slings and arrows of outrageous fortune', as Shakespeare put it. Some serve us well, and some are vices that may contribute to our downfall. You have been dedicated to life and being here whether you know it or not. The will to live is immensely strong in human beings, so start where you are, use what you have, do what you can.

It's Okay Not To Be Okay: ♫ Yours Truly-Together

When Mikaila Delgado sings "It’s easy to pretend that we’re feeling ok..."-I feel that deeply. 'Masking' in a fast-paced, extrovert-favoured society is more than a daily grind, it's bloody exhausting. We've all learned to do this to some degree. I often observe people in conversations in the workplace, and most of them are acting. 'All the world's a stage', as Shakespeare puts it. Everyone pretends sometimes, it's the way we assimilate and go with the crowd. But it's okay to be vulnerable and to ask for help. Because you matter.

Life is a MEAL, enjoy it...(Memories, Experiences, Adventures, Learning): ♫ Angels and Airwaves-The Adventure. ♫ Motor Ace-Ride The Wave, Krewella-Enjoy The Ride.

Even if you're not the adventurous type, know that life is one grand aventure, that's the way I see it. We live out our days on this planet in a very small, finite sliver of time. It's important to be constantly curious, and realise that everyone is on their own path. So be kind to each other, everyone is enduring hardship in some way. We all have our 'demons', and it makes the journey of life more bearable when we have friends and family in our corner. The kindness of strangers can also go a long way to making each other's experiences more wholesome.

Movement is medicine: ♫ Sia-Move Your Body (Alan Walker Remix)

Nobody is going to do the work for you. Assuming responsibility and taking action in life is paramount (if you can, within reason). Not only is movement essential for mental and physical well being, it's what has been at the heart of civilisation for thousands of years. Even taking metaphorical steps each day towards making life, or indeed the world we live, a better place to be can be immensely rewarding.

Say goodbye to toxic people: ♫ Tegan and Sara-Goodbye, Goodbye.

We've all experienced these types of people–the ones who exude bad vibes and cut you down at every opportunity, often subtly or indirectly. I've found that it's never really that overt. They can be the proverbial 'wolves in sheeps clothing' or they could just be bad for your health and growth as a person.

Being alone, but not isolated, can sometimes be what you need: ♫ Grinspoon-Better Off Alone.

For those of us who need to recharge their energy batteries after a long day of socialising, this is imperative. This is especially true of introverts. We are usually the creative types, the ones who revel in more meaningful connections and conversations. And after an emotionally taxing relationship breakdown, it's best to be alone and heal, rather than clutch at the vestiges of what once was.

Be Authentic: ♫ Yelawolf-Be Yourself.

Yelawolf on his track 'Be Yourself' sings "...hold your breath, if you can't be yourself." Social media tends to favour inauthentic interactions and depictions and vaccuous unattainable ideals. It's mostly a fabricated mirror to narcisistic, hollow-headed souls living in an echo chamber and a plastic world of their own design. Authenticity is a value and virtue to me, much like patience, persistence, endurance and hard work. All of these values create a robust and resilient person of substance. There are millions of people with style and front, but to be real and authentic is a highly admirable quality within people.

You are Enough: ♫ D at Sea- Enough.

Every time I’ve grooved to the soothing song 'Enough' sung by Australian artist Doyle Perez, I have been blessed by its reassuring message. 'I am enough'. And you are enough. It's such a bane to be forever stuck in striving, feeling unacomplished and never quite living up to perceived expectations. It's probably because our brains are hard-wired to never be fully satisfied. But despite the fact that it's healthy to have goals and achievements it's also so refreshing to know that aside from achievements, accolades, kudos, admirers, likes and validation–YOU are enough.

Your Life is always now: ♫ In This Moment-Beautiful Tragedy.

So what if someone wronged you. Let it go. What good does worry, ruminating thoughts, hatred and anger do for you? It leads to dis-ease, nothing more. Of course, I say all of the above coupled with the glaring truth that life, and letting go, is far from easy. But it wasn't meant to be easy. It wouldn't be a test if you already knew the answers.

We're all in this together: ♫ Nine Inch Nails-We're in This Together.

I used copious amounts of inclusive language in this post, because it's true that we're all in this together, and amidst the daily turbulence we all strive for similar objectives. To be valued, loved, appreciated, respected, and to feel a sense of belonging and accomplishment. All of these things count towards an overall sense of well-being and 'happiness' or rather, satisfaction. By each day's end, I want to feel that I have contributed something positive to my own growth as a human on this journey, or made someone else's experience even slightly more improved or bearable. I want to feel a sense of peace, and to 'protect my peace' just like I protect my overall health (brain and body), because there's a direct correlation between the brain and body, and vice-versa.

Practice Gratitude (An attitude of gratitude): ♫ Alien Ant Farm- Attitude.

If nothing else, my hope is that the reader has at least opened themselves up to some new music or ideas about the interconnectivity between mental health, self care and music. Music's injection into every facet of my life has been both a conscious choice and an imperative necessity. Although I often catch myself slipping, and need to readjust my perspective and priorities, it's these ongoing daily adjustments and daily awareness that truly counts.

Here's a link to the youtube playlist and Spotify Playlist I made that has most songs mentioned in this post:



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