[ARCHIVE - Riffs] #TabletopThursdays 19.12.24 - Feature Article: 'A Love Letter to The GMPC'
Riffs, Tabletop, Tabletop Thursdays Brady Irwin Riffs, Tabletop, Tabletop Thursdays Brady Irwin

[ARCHIVE - Riffs] #TabletopThursdays 19.12.24 - Feature Article: 'A Love Letter to The GMPC'

Originally posted on our sadly as-of-NYE-2024-now-defunct old website (RIP), we’re lucky enough to have access to the old site back-end and thus can repost another Elodie-derived Tabletop Thursdays classic in ‘A Love Letter to The GMPC’. Check out our resident RPG-design whiz’s thoughts on NPC’s walking alongside dungeonmasters right here!

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[Dicey News] EXALTED FUNERAL Brings Thee: Godhusk from Plastiboo! Cave Evil Art Book! Ungodz!
Tabletop, Dicey News Brady Irwin Tabletop, Dicey News Brady Irwin

[Dicey News] EXALTED FUNERAL Brings Thee: Godhusk from Plastiboo! Cave Evil Art Book! Ungodz!

If you erroneously believe there’s no overlap between indie tabletop-roleplaying, extreme metal brutality and sick grimdark art, I’ve got news for you son. More specifically, darlings of the TTRPG OSR-focused underworld Exalted Funeral do. I just added commentary and SICK art. ITT: metal-as-hell RPG books in The Glumdark, Dirtbagz, Ungodz, Arkos , a compendium of nasties in Manifester Monsters, plus a shooty-shooty sci-fi RPG Kickstarter Dirtbagz. A few Kickstarters actually!

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[Archive] ISC Podcast, Ep. 30: AUDIO LOG - Clinical Examination Of Specimen XX-121, AKA ‘Xenomorph’(Part 2).
Lore, Podcast, Tabletop, Audiodrama, Film/Media Brady Irwin Lore, Podcast, Tabletop, Audiodrama, Film/Media Brady Irwin

[Archive] ISC Podcast, Ep. 30: AUDIO LOG - Clinical Examination Of Specimen XX-121, AKA ‘Xenomorph’(Part 2).

Exhumed from the chest-bursted corpse of our old website (RIP old site 31.12.24, sniff), here’s Part 2 of our Dissecting The Perfect Organism series. Check link for both audiodrama podcast links and written narrative, diagrams, lore and information relating to sci-fi’s perfect villain, told from a scientist-doctor perspective. The current episode details, among other things, the ‘Black Goo’, engineers, The Deacon, proto-xenomorphs and potential origins of our favourite eyeless-space killer!

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#TabletopThursday, 16.01.25 - Of Orcs, Burnouts, Space Bar-Fights and Bedtime Monsters.
Tabletop, Tabletop Thursdays Brady Irwin Tabletop, Tabletop Thursdays Brady Irwin

#TabletopThursday, 16.01.25 - Of Orcs, Burnouts, Space Bar-Fights and Bedtime Monsters.

#TabletopThursday for16th Jan features: Rallyman Dirt, two elongated greentexts adventures about two orcs - one, a total d-bag, one based as hell. And some words on Starforged, collaborator Elodie’s latest happenings, some lore, and other stuff. It’s 2am, time to sign off after another great week of nerding out.

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[Archive]: ISC Podcast Ep. 12. Lorebites - A Forbidden Lands Campaign Narration.
Tabletop, Podcast Brady Irwin Tabletop, Podcast Brady Irwin

[Archive]: ISC Podcast Ep. 12. Lorebites - A Forbidden Lands Campaign Narration.

An early example from our previous website (RIP, *sniff) of some tabletop RPG narrative pieces I plan on doing more of over time. This is a mini audio-drama, told from a perspective of a fantasy storyteller recounting the tale of our [now ill-fated, also RIP] Forbidden Lands campaign party - the mercenary group known as The Fourteen Limbs as they traverse the Ravenlands.

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ISC Podcast, ep. 08: The Stoked Series (Tabletop Edition) - 25.03.23
Tabletop, Podcast, Blog Brady Irwin Tabletop, Podcast, Blog Brady Irwin

ISC Podcast, ep. 08: The Stoked Series (Tabletop Edition) - 25.03.23

Originally posted on our sadly as-of-NYE-2024-dead-AF previous website. RIP. Episode 8 from March 2023 explores tabletop titles I was gearing up for at the time including, but not limited to: Monty Python’s Cocurricular Mediaeval Reenactment Programme, Mutant Year Zero, Wicked Ones/Undead Awakening, Warsurge, Mothership RPG, Battletech: Mercenaries , as well as the Ennies Nominations for 2023’s Awards.

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ISC Podcast Ep. 6 - The March Not-An-Update Anti-Update (Update). [05/03/2023].
Podcast Brady Irwin Podcast Brady Irwin

ISC Podcast Ep. 6 - The March Not-An-Update Anti-Update (Update). [05/03/2023].

Originally posted on our sadly now-in-ruins previous website (RIP) back in 2023. In honesty, it’s an interesting piece with some varied thoughts around content-creation and creativity, but it’s overall a pretty impassioned diatribe. If that sounds up your alley, dig in. If not, we’ve got a heap more episodes being copied and reposted from the carcass of ISC.com (RIP)!

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ISC Podcast Ep. 05 - ISC Trajectory for 2023. (27.12.2022)
Podcast Brady Irwin Podcast Brady Irwin

ISC Podcast Ep. 05 - ISC Trajectory for 2023. (27.12.2022)

Originally posted on our old website, which unfortunately has met an untimely end (thanks, WordPress!). To quote directly - ‘A culture fed unrelenting standards imposed by some strange continued need to propagate the pre-pandemic model of life under neoliberal austerity. Plot twist - that isn't working, and I'm fed up.’ Link to rant contained inside!

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[Archive]: INTRODUCING: #TabletopThursdays!
Tabletop, Tabletop Thursdays Brady Irwin Tabletop, Tabletop Thursdays Brady Irwin

[Archive]: INTRODUCING: #TabletopThursdays!

This article was originally posted to the sadly-now-defunct Inner-Strength Check website on November 28th, 2024. Rounding out our trio of regular columns in Music Mondays and Tech Tuesdays, Tabletop Thursdays seeks to provide both the latest news, deals and happenings in the TTRPG, board gaming and general hobby spaces, as well as personal updates from ourselves as DM’s and players, designers etc in our hobby journeys. Check it out and roll those dice!

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ISC Podcast Episode 01: - Inside the computer.
Podcast Brady Irwin Podcast Brady Irwin

ISC Podcast Episode 01: - Inside the computer.

Inner-Strength Check is a multi-modal podcast/vlog/blog project focused on exploring the intersection between societal discourse, mental health, neurodiversity, recovery, and leisure.

It’s part-blog, part-podcast and part-vlog/streaming. It's also partly serious discussions and fun stuff - video/board/tabletop gaming, roleplaying, music, reviews, banter and other fun ways of practicing what is preached here.

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ISC Podcast Episode 2: Inside The Ear Canal.
Brady Irwin Brady Irwin

ISC Podcast Episode 2: Inside The Ear Canal.

For Episode 2, we dive into a retrospective overview of the powerfully formative impact music has had for me - in terms of my mental health, coping strategies, values and identity.

As well, a bit of discussion around sensitivity and the arts, perfectionism and the broader millenial generational backdrop to how my musical journey has formed over time.

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