![[Archive] Ep. 20: Recap Part 1. State of the Podcast Address.](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/67738900deaf1a5f243892aa/1736944811217-AL97WVB7V2VJDOJYG2D8/bf1.jpg)
[Archive] Ep. 20: Recap Part 1. State of the Podcast Address.
Featured Image by: Samuel Phillips Photography @ New Dead Fest. Check the blog for our review of 2022 + 2023 NDF! This is an archived podcast episodes, brought to you from the remains of our sadly now-defunct old website (RIP 31.12.2024). This one’s a.. challenging read for me considering how 2024 turned out. More on that later. See link for podcast episode links, interview links and a very thorough transcript with a lot of mental health reflection - positive, negative and all in between.
![[Heavy News] Introducing: Music Mondays and Tech Tuesdays!](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/67738900deaf1a5f243892aa/1736945266015-ZY5CR0M2KV34E7T3SKPZ/image-6.png)
[Heavy News] Introducing: Music Mondays and Tech Tuesdays!
Featured Image: Lachlan R. Dale, solo artist and label owner of Worlds Within Worlds and Art as Catharsis. (interview with Lachlan incoming as i extract it from the carcass of our now-defunct old website, RIP). This article was originally posted to our old website, long may it rest, and introduces Music Mondays for the first time - a regular column including all the latest in heavy and alternative music news, features, reviews, ISC content updates and our own musician updates as well!
![[Blog Update] Swingin’ The (Un)Dead - 2025 Content Roadmap (Jan)](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/67738900deaf1a5f243892aa/1736312393094-WE71ALV5JZH06GUJE5EZ/462381226_3840719132830506_7302021971628903744_n.jpg)
[Blog Update] Swingin’ The (Un)Dead - 2025 Content Roadmap (Jan)
Hope y’all appreciate this one cause holy HELL it was a bit of work! Full Content Roadmap for ISC blog for 2025, including each individual archive piece for re-writing/posting from our prior now-dead website. Plus, a heads-up on the scheduling and content of the Podcast for 2025, list of albums for review and much more. Back to it.

A Philo-Slothical Piece - Thank You From Me, Your Host.
(Content Warning - Explicit Language!). A heartfelt and sincere thanks-in-advance to YOU, the Inner-Strength Check community. In this article, I reiterate the ultimate purpose of this whole project, and the reasons I’ve kept going through 4 years and a new website from the ground up. Thank you. Sincerely.

ISC Podcast, ep. 08: The Stoked Series (Tabletop Edition) - 25.03.23
Originally posted on our sadly as-of-NYE-2024-dead-AF previous website. RIP. Episode 8 from March 2023 explores tabletop titles I was gearing up for at the time including, but not limited to: Monty Python’s Cocurricular Mediaeval Reenactment Programme, Mutant Year Zero, Wicked Ones/Undead Awakening, Warsurge, Mothership RPG, Battletech: Mercenaries , as well as the Ennies Nominations for 2023’s Awards.

ISC Blog (Archive): Interview With Michael Boakes of I CHOOSE VIOLENCE, 07.04.23.
Originally posted on our now-dead prior website, this is an archival repost from the bones of our prior platform. An interview with Michael Boakes, vocalist of Australian heavyweights I Choose Violence, ahead of the also now-dead New Dead. RIP New Dead Fest, we miss you. <3

ISC Podcast Ep. 7: Review of IHSAHN’s ‘The Fascination Street Sessions’ LP, 06.03.2023
Originally posted on our old website, which unfortunately has met an untimely end (thanks, WordPress!). RIP. This episode is a brief one, naturally so when reviewing a short but powerful EP in Fascination Street Sessions by progressive black metal maestro Ihsahn. Original post date: March 6th, 2023.
![ISC Podcast Ep. 6 - The March Not-An-Update Anti-Update (Update). [05/03/2023].](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/67738900deaf1a5f243892aa/1735876691453-ZNM7WL2LGUJB70E67X19/471763041_923331563237204_4558893098269910696_n.jpg)
ISC Podcast Ep. 6 - The March Not-An-Update Anti-Update (Update). [05/03/2023].
Originally posted on our sadly now-in-ruins previous website (RIP) back in 2023. In honesty, it’s an interesting piece with some varied thoughts around content-creation and creativity, but it’s overall a pretty impassioned diatribe. If that sounds up your alley, dig in. If not, we’ve got a heap more episodes being copied and reposted from the carcass of ISC.com (RIP)!

ISC Podcast Ep. 05 - ISC Trajectory for 2023. (27.12.2022)
Originally posted on our old website, which unfortunately has met an untimely end (thanks, WordPress!). To quote directly - ‘A culture fed unrelenting standards imposed by some strange continued need to propagate the pre-pandemic model of life under neoliberal austerity. Plot twist - that isn't working, and I'm fed up.’ Link to rant contained inside!

ISC Podcast Ep. 04 - The Great (Sigh of) Resignation.
This is an archival repost of Episode 4: ‘The Great Sigh of Resignation’ of the Inner-Strength Check Podcast. Available on Spotify, Youtube and all other streaming platforms. Rest in Peace innerstrengthcheck.com, you will be missed.
![[Archive Review] - Alarum - Circle's End - (03.11.2022)](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/67738900deaf1a5f243892aa/1735713576242-VEB5RHNF23ID3FJPRCEE/alarum.jpg)
![[Archive Review] - Cannibal Corpse: Unimagined Violence.](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/67738900deaf1a5f243892aa/1735708844523-L6T576UR28XHRIIGMJJ8/cannibal-corpse-500x333-1.jpg)
[Archive Review] - Cannibal Corpse: Unimagined Violence.
Archive review of Cannibal Corpse’s blazing full-length Unimaged Violence. This was originally posted to now-defunct music journalism online outlet Insert Review Here, then my own sadly-also-goner ISC.com. Check out this extreme metal bruiser of a review once more right here on the new site!

ISC Podcast Episode 2: Inside The Ear Canal.
For Episode 2, we dive into a retrospective overview of the powerfully formative impact music has had for me - in terms of my mental health, coping strategies, values and identity.
As well, a bit of discussion around sensitivity and the arts, perfectionism and the broader millenial generational backdrop to how my musical journey has formed over time.