[Blog Update] Swingin’ The (Un)Dead - 2025 Content Roadmap (Jan)

NOTE to artists/interviewees/stakeholders: I will be tagging ALL relevant involved parties twice - first, in this initial post, and then later on a wrap ‘Archive Index’ post containing all links. That way, you’ll be able to access relevant links as they’re updated.

Where your content is concerned - rather than creating entirely new social media posts for 60+ pending posts (which equals 120+ social media posts total), I’ll be tagging in/bumping relevant individuals/parties on past posts.

There may be some double-up on Instagram - blame Meta for making post-search on mobile, desktop and Meta Business Suite nigh-unusable without losing your sanity.

Spotify/Youtube episodes will also have links modified as I get the new blog posts.

As you’ll see below, this is going to be a pretty gargantuan effort and has to be done by-hand. Reach out to me if you require something to be posted earlier than the proposed schedule/queue and I’ll tee it up.

Cheers! - Brady.


So, if you’re completely new to Inner-Strength Check? Hello, welcome, take a look around.

Whether you’re new or joining the new website from the ashes of our prior site (RIP innerstrengthcheck.com, 31.12.24 :( ), welcome back.

This will serve either as an explainer or a reminder depending if you’ve just joined us or have been following the old blog.

I have a whole slew of content which requires content-necromancy, as well as a few notes on my workflow, scheduling and process for 2025.

While the former site is completely cooked, roasted, done, we at least have the good fortune of having access to draft versions of past posts.

I’ll keep my on-brand blathering and excessive exposition in check today, and simply focus on the practical details.

However there is also a LOT to cover, and ISC as an ongoing project covers a pretty broad swathe of content, mediums and themes. Thanks for your patience.

Given we’re a niche podcast but spread across some unfathomably deep niches, it can be hard to get your head around our scope, what’s relevant for you to engage with, et cetera.

ERGO (to quote the venerable Sensei La Dew), methinks m’lady/m’goodsir mayhaps requires a brief rundown of what’s on offer on the blog itself.

Content Types:

  1. Podcast Episodes - Does what it says on the tin, dunnit. Whole bunch of external links right here and on the site. I often add a blog post to podcast episodes, but can’t promise that as a default given the additional workload transposing ADHD-AF script notes into a more digestible format. But I’ll be sure to have relevant links, resources and other important stuff for each episode right here on the website.

Exhibit A: Spotify

Note: Episode order is a little whack at the moment, and I’m slightly behind on recording/editing versus written content. I often will announce when podcast versions need to be re-added into blog posts, so be sure to keep an eye out for us here and/or via our socials/Youtube etc. Links at end of post!


Xzibit B: Yo Dawg, I Hear-

Note: ISC Podcast is also available on:

Amazon MusicApple PodcastsCastboxGoodPodsiHeartRadioPocketCasts and RadioPublic.


2. Riffs*: Our moniker for anything that isn’t a blog article attached to a podcast episode. A pretty wide spread in general, but think of ‘Riffs’ as exactly that - riffing! Bad pun, yep. So short articles, essays, random thoughts, interim content between podcast episodes, mini-reviews, et cetera.

Where ‘Riffs’ are concerned; for 2025 I’m considering going back and adding multiple Riffs into their own pod episodes. That’ll be subject to my (already huge) life-admin/personal life workload. It’s an aim.

Essentially - keep up with the blog here and/or track it via our other platforms to stay connected with our goings-on. We have a lot to say, a lot to cover and a lot to do. There really will be something for everyone!

* - Previously, Riffs were a markdown menu on the website - going forward, these will now be a ‘Category’ here on the website and sit amongst other content such as pod episodes/blog articles. Check just under the post title and click on Riffs if you want some rapid-fire reading/don’t have time to kick back to a whole episode

3. Weekly Segments

(as weekly as possible. We’re busy bees at ISC, but best-laid plans of mice and men, to quote Mustaine Hemingway I guess.)

  1. #MusicMondays: Weekly music themed segment with the latest in music news, new releases, what the ISC crew have been listening to and producing musically (we don’t just talk about creativity, we live it!), and a ‘From The Legion’ segment where I provide feedback and updates from our much-beloved MusoLegion online music community.

  2. #TechTuesdays: Anything from the latest in Big Tech, useful apps for wellbeing and productivity/fun etc, plus gaming-related news and releases per above. Also, a nice opportunity for me to shoehorn in technical music. Not just technical death metal, but a range of musically impressive stuff from folks much more skilled than I.

    Case in point - this rad drum solo at a Google corporate meeting by the insanely talented skinsman from Nordic proggers Leprous:


3. #TabletopThursdays: As per above but anything broadly related to Tabletop RPG’s, board-gaming, wargaming, RPG/game design, hobby spaces (terrain-craft, mini’s, etc). Stay tuned for some awesome initial OC from our resident RPG design expert and GM extraordinnaire, Elodie!

p.s. - before I put up her introductory post from the old site, go check her stuff out right here. Talented artist and game designer!

4. Ad-Hoc/As It Arrives - #HeavyNews and #DiceyNews (+ Offers for Interviews):

Again - bad puns. #HeavyNews was mentioned in our prior blog post but for consistency - music-related news, primarily heavy/alternative genres but not exclusive to that.

Bands, record labels, PR reps - get in touch! We share a LOT of music news and promotional releases, teasers etc as they’re sent to us. Shoot us an email via the Contact tab or simply email innerstrengthcheckmedia@gmail.com. We’d love to help out. Cheers.

Same Goes for #DiceyNews, which is primarily for tabletop and hobby news but can also include video gaming stuff as well. Same applies - we particularly want to support the Little Guy, but anyone’s welcome to reach out and email us/PM on socials etc for promotion.

In both cases, I also conduct reviews and interviews with artists and creatives, but also with peers, fans, hobbyists, industry reps, designers/developers, human services/health professionals and heck, just about everyone! Don’t be shy.

If shyness around video/audio interviews is a barrier, I’m always very welcome to do Q and A interviews via email or messenger apps as well. Just let us know and we’ll tee it up.

Slight caveat - Australian, ergo am on GMT +10 Melbourne/Victorian time. Just flagging this for scheduling and your calendar as well.

Examples of the type of content we’re producing:

  • Original Music & Music Covers

  • Reviews

  • Interviews

  • Analysis/Discourse Pieces

  • Video/Audio Podcast Episodes

  • Let’s Plays (via Twitch/Youtube; admittedly not too active but I’m considering changing that as of today)

  • And much more!


Hold Onto Your Butts - Here’s a BIG List of Literally ALL The Archival Content TO BE Re-Added:


Archival Content TBA - As Of Jan 8th, 2025:

  1. Introduction to ‘Riffs

  2. Inner-Strength Check Covers List/Request Form & Youtube Playlist

  3. Introduction to #MusicMondays

  4. Introduction to #TechTuesdays

  5. ISC Podcast Episode 11: The Gaming (Sorta) Stoked Series - Blog Post (audio version available online via our podcast links)

  6. ISC Podcast Episode 12: Lorebites - A Forbidden Lands Campaign Narration - Blog Post (audio available online via our podcast links)

  7. ISC Podcast Episode 13: Interview with Bjorn ‘Speed’ Strid of Soilwork - Blog Post (audio available via our podcast links; video version on our Youtube Channel)

  8. ISC Podcast Episode 14: Interview with James ‘Human Furnace’ Bulloch of Ringworm - Blog Post (audio available via our podcast links; video version on our Youtube Channel)

  9. ISC Podcast Episode 15: Interview with Niklas Sandin of Katatonia - Blog Post (audio available via our podcast links; video version on our Youtube Channel)

  10. ISC Podcast Episodes 16/17: ADHD Awareness Month Parts 1 and 2 - Blog Posts (audio available online via our podcast links)

  11. ISC Podcast Episode

  12. ISC Podcast Episode 18: Touch Grass - The Enshittification of The Internet - Blog Post (audio available online via our podcast links)

  13. ISC Podcast Episode 19: Album Review - Afterbirth: ‘In But Not Of’ LP - Blog Post (audio available online via our podcast links)

  14. ISC Podcast Episode 20: Content Roadmap 2023 - Blog Post (audio available online via our podcast links)

  15. ISC Podcast Episode 21: Interview with Kyle Thomas of Exhorder - Blog Post (audio available via our podcast links; video version on our Youtube Channel)

  16. ISC Podcast Episode 22: Interview with Andrew Craighan of My Dying Bride - Blog Post (audio available via our podcast links; video version on our Youtube Channel)

  17. ISC Podcast Episode 23: Interview with Matt Pike and Coady Willis of High on Fire - Blog Post (audio available via our podcast links; video version on our Youtube Channel)

  18. ISC Podcast Episode 24: Interview with Serena Cherry of Svalbard - Blog Post (audio available via our podcast links; video version on our Youtube Channel)

  19. ISC Podcast Episode 25: Interview with Tony Forresta of Municipal Waste - Blog Post (audio available via our podcast links; video version on our Youtube Channel)

  20. Riff - Win(toe) is Coming (Author: Hamza)

  21. ISC Podcast Episode 26: Interview with Reece of Diploid - Blog Post (audio available via our podcast links; video version on our Youtube Channel)

  22. Riff (Album Review - Author: Hamza) RIP Dreare, or have a nice hiatus; here’s a very late, very loose review of "Foregone".

  23. Riff (Album Review- Author: Brady) [Archive Review] - Phobia - 'Generation Coward' LP Review 08.05.2019.

  24. Riff (Album Review- Author: Brady) [Archive Review - 10.12.2017] Hypergiant - 'Father Sky'

  25. Riff (Album Review - Author: Hamza) [Review] Februus - Surveillance Orgy

  26. Riff (Album Review - Author: Hamza) [Archive Review #4] Alithia - 'The Moon Has Fallen'

  27. Riff (Album Review - Author: Hamza) [Riffs] I can't stop playing Doom

  28. Riff (Author - Brady) Some Thoughts On: Info-Overload, Option-Paralysis, and Digital Chaos.

  29. ISC Podcast Episode 26/27: Dissecting The Perfect Organism, Part 1/2 Blog Posts (audio available via our podcast links)

  30. ISC Podcast Episode 28: Luna's Cult of Dark Souls - A DM Interview With... A DM - Blog Post (audio available via our podcast links)

  31. ISC Podcast Episode 28: Review: Feral - To Usurp The Thrones LP - Blog Post (audio available via our podcast links)

  32. Riff/Primer (Author: Brady) Episode 29: Beer Factory, A.K.A. InnerStrengthCheck is Off to Froth!

  33. Riff/Interview (Author: Brady) Pre-Froth Frothin'- A Mini-Interview with SUNDOWNWER.

  34. Riff (Author: Hamza) Quake Good.

  35. Riff/Interview: (Author: Brady) Pre-Froth Frothin' - Q & A with Aaron Tuck of Black Metallers LUMEN AD MORTEM.

  36. ISC Podcast Episode 29: Review 1: RVVKVS - 'Antithesis of Prosperity' - Blog Post (audio available via our podcast links)

  37. ISC Podcast Episode 29 (2): Review 2: (see #31).

  38. (multiple) Riff/Podcast: ISC Podcast Episode 30: (Authors: Brady/Mal) Froth and Fury Festival, Parts 1 and 2/ Froth Omnibus - Blog Post (audio available via our podcast links)

  39. Riff/Review: (Author: Hamza) Opeth - 'The Last Will and Testament' (Author: Hamza)

  40. Blog Update: A Warm Welcome to Our Newest Team Member, Elodie!

  41. ISC Podcast Ep. 31 (TBA - Blog Version Only as of 08.01.2025) (Author: Brady) Moshing Happily Whilst Dying Under Radioactive Ash: An ADHD-Focused Look At 2024 For Me.

  42. ISC Podcast Ep. 32 (TBA - Youtube Version Only as of 08.01.2025) LACHLAN DALE Talks Running Labels ART AS CATHARSIS + WORLDS WITHIN WORLDS, Music Projects, The Music Industry And More!

  43. ISC Podcast (TBA - Youtube Version Only as of 08.01.2025) Ep 33: Interview with OLOF WIKSTRAND, of Swedish Heavy Metallers ENFORCER.

  44. ISC Podcast (TBA - Youtube Version Only as of 08.01.2025) Ep. 34: Interview with MARTIN MENDEZ of Swedish Prog-Metal Titans OPETH.

  45. Riff/Review - (Author: Brady) Nest - Metempsychosis

  46. Riff: (Author: Elodie) #TabletopThursdays 19.12.24 - Feature Article: 'A Love Letter to The GMPC'

  47. Riff (Author: Brady) Musiikkimaanantai Ja Tekninen Tiistai: Krampus/Saatana Perkele Edition.

  48. Riff (Author: Brady) #BehindScreenAndSpeaker 2024 Preview #1 - Reflecting on 'Musicianship'.

  49. Riff (Author: Brady) #BehindScreenandSpeaker2024 - A Primer/Explainer For A Whole Bunch-a C O N T E N T.

  50. Riff (Author: Brady) #Brady's Top 20 Albums of 2024, Part I + Honourable Mentions

  51. Riff (Author: Brady) [Review] of Mobile Hut's MÖRK BORG RPG Supplement, 'The Choir'.

Archival Content As Podcast Episodes:

Time/energy/capacity pending - like I had done with a few of the more recent podcast episodes, I’m looking at narrating and polishing up/expanding on a whole bunch of Riffs, Reviews and the like from our past content for podcast episodes.

Granted, some of these are a little past-the-post in terms of release dates (albums, et cetera). However, I feel it’s only fair to include these on the podcast for those who might have cognitive/visual/other access barriers that may preclude engaging with the written material.

I can’t provide a definite list just yet, as I have a lot of work to do and things to juggle as-is.

Podcast/Blog - Scheduling and Expectation Management:

I won’t rote-recite everything I mentioned in the previous blog post, which I think sets a lot of context and boundaries.

However, I’ll be transparent about a few things:

  1. My mental health isn’t top standard at the moment, my neurodivergence is running amok and believe it or not despite all the above - ISC is not my main personal/professional focus at the moment.

  2. In 2025 I’ll be likely looking at managing either a full-time job, two jobs, or a job/business/ business-only, depending how some professional opportunities work out. In each case, like with the previous article I want to reiterate this is a voluntary, hobby project.

  3. The utopian-ideal goal for me this year is scheduling fortnightly episodes, with an initial ‘burst’/pulse of perhaps weekly or even more regularly. Hey, I’m unemployed and may not have this opportunity in terms of professional down-time (aside from the 4 courses I’m doing lol) for a long time… or, ideally, ever again!

Therefore, I’ll be transparent that whilst I/we (my team are also quite busy IRL, too) aim for regularity in our scheduling and release of episodes - don’t expect rigid scheduling of podcast episodes across the year.

I know some folks prefer a consistent release routine and again, that’s the IDEAL, but reality is what is it.

Same applies for our weekly segments - sometimes, these can take quite a few hours to put together at a time (the Finland one took me an entire day, for instance) and that may not be feasible in future.

I know it’s not an issue as big as I’m making it out to be here, but I wanted to be transparent to my audience.

Thanks for being considerate and patient with myself and our team. :)

Pic irrelevant but… doggo.


… will be a separate post later on. You don’t even want to know how many Riffs I have planned.

The ‘ short-list’ for podcast episodes as of 8th January 2025:

  • Announcement for Podcast Listeners (re: change of website and updating of links)

  • Multiple podcast episodes above as flagged for recording/edit/conversion to audio-only (rough estimate, around 10 episodes thus far),

  • Behind Screen and Speaker (see future article - I’m estimating at least 15-20 Riffs and 2-3 Pod Episodes)

  • Alien Examination Episodes 3+ (could be more. Currently WIP)

  • Five Leagues From The Borderlands, 3rd Edition (TTRPG Review)

  • Five Leagues - Play Report

  • Five Leagues - Narrative Campaign Audio-Drama

  • Starforged - Review

  • Starforged - Play Report

  • Starforged - Narrative Campaign Audio-Drama

  • Mutant Year Zero - Review and Campaign Post-Hoc

  • Itch.io Mega-Bundle - Discussion/Review (will splinter off into A LOT of Riffs/Tabletop Thursday Posts)

Album Reviews TBA - Jan 8th (Already-Released):

Artist and Album Table
Artist Title
Zeit der DunkelheitDie Letzten Tage
Black SunS/T
ThermalityThe Final Hours
Devil's CigaretteI Wanna Be On TV
Swallow The SunShining
Seeds of MaryLOVE
Auriferous FlameThe Insurrectionists and The Caretakers
Mandroid of KryptonCosmic Sarcophagus
Wizard Must DieL'Or des Fous
Beneath A Steel SkyCleave
VesselThe Somnifer
Could SeedThe Drop Crisis
BOMBUSYour Blood

Album Reviews TBA - Jan 8th (Unreleased):

Obscura - A Sonication

(MANY more coming soon!)

Right. Now it’s back to it. Wish me luck.

Peace, Love and Grindcore xoxo - Brady


Introducing A New ISC Category - [Riffs]!


A Philo-Slothical Piece - Thank You From Me, Your Host.