#MusicMondays - Mon, Jan 13th 2025.
#MusicMonday for Jan 13th includes - an update on exactly how many music-related ISC podcast episodes are left/who they involve, as well as some cliff-notes about our remaining Riffs (blog pieces). Then, for this week’s #FromTheLegion, I incite a posting-riot with some FB stats and also provide multiple links from the blog. The Musolegion-machine is cranking up, baby! GO TEAM.

ISC Podcast Episode 01: - Inside the computer.
Inner-Strength Check is a multi-modal podcast/vlog/blog project focused on exploring the intersection between societal discourse, mental health, neurodiversity, recovery, and leisure.
It’s part-blog, part-podcast and part-vlog/streaming. It's also partly serious discussions and fun stuff - video/board/tabletop gaming, roleplaying, music, reviews, banter and other fun ways of practicing what is preached here.

Introduction to the ISC Blog/Youtube Channel.
Our introductory post for ISC, originally posted on Oct 4th, 2021 on the now-defunct innerstrengthcheck.com website.

ISC Podcast Episode 2: Inside The Ear Canal.
For Episode 2, we dive into a retrospective overview of the powerfully formative impact music has had for me - in terms of my mental health, coping strategies, values and identity.
As well, a bit of discussion around sensitivity and the arts, perfectionism and the broader millenial generational backdrop to how my musical journey has formed over time.