ISC Podcast Episode 01: - Inside the computer.

(Note: This episode was originally published on Nov 16th, 2021. is now defunct, however links to the podcast as per below are still functioning just fine!).


For today's episode, I decided to give you all a bit of an honest peek behind the GM screen and detail my own mental health recovery/neurodiversity trajectory over time, up to the present day.

I felt it important not only to set the tone for the mental health side of things, but for you get a more honest and raw appraisal of your show host. 

Please do get in touch if you're interested in coming on board as a guest, co-host or to promote/share either yours or another’s creative works.

Peace, Love and Grindcore - Brady

Link to Episode 1 (Spotify)

Link to Youtube version

Note: ISC Podcast is also available on: Our Youtube Podcast PageAmazon MusicApple PodcastsCastboxGoodPodsiHeartRadioPocketCasts and RadioPublic.


Interview - with Brisbane Thrashers IDLE RUIN [18.04.22]


Introduction to the ISC Blog/Youtube Channel.